Everything that happens to us happens in purpose. And sometimes, one thing leads to another. Instead of locking yourself up in your cage of fears and crying over past heartaches, embarrassment and failures treat them as your teachers and they will become your tools in self improvement. The world is a large room for lessons, not mistakes. Don’t feel stupid and doomed forever just because you failed. There’s always a next time.
Improving yourself is all about change. And true change can only be made by real commitment. Most people do not recognize what a committed decision is, nor the force of change that congruent, committed decisions creates.
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How Do You Want Your Holidays to Be?

This is the season of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy. Are you hoping for a peaceful month, a realistic budget, time to get everything done, good health, warm relationships, and a joyous holiday season? Or perhaps you have you own word or combination of words to describe what you want this month to be like.

How you approach this last month of the year will depend on your attitude. According to Webster's New World Dictionary, attitude is a way of acting, feeling, or thinking that indicates your opinion about something. Your attitude is like a mirror. It reflects what you choose to focus on.

Negatives do happen in life. However, it is well known that when you focus on negatives, it is harder to:

- Feel confident.
- Pursue goals.
- Be happy.
- Solve problems.
- Socialize and enjoy relationships.

The good news is that it is possible to recognize when negatives are happening in your life without letting yourself dwell on them. In order to do this, you have to first be aware that you are stewing about something. Once you are aware that you are getting stuck with negative thoughts, you have the opportunity to change what you are thinking to more positive thoughts such as things you are grateful for.

Positive Psychology research suggests that when you experience genuine positive emotions in a 3 to 1 ratio with negative emotions, you cross a psychological tipping point. This means at the point of three positive emotions for every negative emotion, you will function at your best. You will feel more confident and happier, pursue your goals, solve problems, and enjoy your relationships.

Keeping a positive frame of mind during stressful times is certainly something to strive for. During this holiday season, it is possible to be hopeful and more resilient by increasing your ability to overcome adversity and dealing with challenges confidently by:

- Knowing what you care about and value - what is important to you.
- Discovering ways to reduce the demands on your time and money so that you feel in control of these resources.
- Choosing to go to only a couple of stores, shop online, look for things that are "good enough" instead of running around trying to find the best.
- Talking with family members about how to simplify giving gifts and entertaining.
- Breaking more complex tasks into smaller parts that can be done one at a time.
- Being able to say "No" to requests that will drain you.

It is important to remember that you do have a choice in how you respond to events going on around you. Even though you cannot control outside circumstance, you can choose to have a curious and creative attitude as you approach the holidays. Choose to:

- Do the things that are meaningful and energize you rather than drain you.
- Choose to have at least three positive thoughts for every negative thought.

No matter what your circumstances are, let this be a time of hope and resilience that will take you into the months ahead.***

Source: PattenCoaching.Com

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